Monday, December 12, 2011

Nice Creation Hymn from Psalm 8:1-6,9

Here is a nice hymn that the Bartlett family sang during family worship this morning.  A great way to praise God thinking of science and math as applied to creation. The music is from The 1912 Psalter which is included in the Trinity Hymnal.  To sing along you can access the words with audio here.


Lord, our Lord, thy glorious Name — Thanksgiving (Gilbert)

Original Trinity Hymnal, #107 (Psalm 8:1-6, 9)

Lord, our Lord, thy glorious Name
All thy wondrous works proclaim;
In the heav'ns with radiant signs
Evermore thy glory shines.
Infant lips thou dost ordain
Wrath and vengeance to restrain;
Weakest means fulfil thy will,
Mighty enemies to still.

Moon and stars in shining height
Nightly tell their Maker's might;
When thy wondrous heav'ns I scan,
Then I know how weak is man.
What is man that he should be
Loved and visited by thee,
Raised to an exalted height,
Crowned with honor in thy sight?

With dominion crowned he stands
O'er the creatures of thy hands;
All to him subjection yield
In the sea and air and field.
Lord, our Lord, thy glorious Name
All thy wondrous works proclaim;
Thine the Name of matchless worth,
Excellent in all the earth.