Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Biblical Vision for Mechanical Engineering


I. Mechanical Engineers, like Bezaleel, are gifted by God with the wisdom, understanding and knowledge needed to obey God in the building of His Kingdom according to the pattern of His Word in time and space (Exodus 36).

II. Mechanical Engineers use scientific, mathematical, practical, and logical understandings of God’s creation as a basis to seek Heaven’s assistance in the conception, design, prototype, manufacture, and management of products and services which serve God and man.

III. Mechanical Engineers living in relationship with God the Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit can and do set goals and accomplish what other Mechanical Engineers cannot.

IV. Mechanical Engineers live in an integrated world because God, as creator and sustainer of all things, brings unity and meaning to everything. Therefore, the Mechanical Engineer integrates their faith in God and His Word with their products and services through the conscious understanding, application, and acknowledgement of Biblical truths that are consistent with the historic Protestant faith.

V. Mechanical engineers operate with an understanding that God rules over all elements of civilization and take into consideration the Biblical views of each element of civilization as they conceive, design, prototype, manufacture and manage the innovation of products and services. Common elements of civilization which Mechanical Engineers consider include evangelism, morals, biology, economics, education, arts, authority, geography, history, language & literature, civil law, Biblical law, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, theology, eschatology and government.

VI. The result of a Mechanical Engineer’s efforts bring glory to God and joy to the Mechanical Engineer and those he serves in both time and eternity.

Open Blog Quiz Assignment: An example of a Biblical vision for an occupation (mechanical engineering) is posted on the blog.  Use this as an example to edit and improve upon in writing a Biblical vision for your chosen occupation (a wife and mother is also an occupation). Aim for about the same number of words as the example (250 words). If you don’t have an occupation in mind write a Biblical vision for the occupation of someone you  know. Post your biblical vision document in the blog as a comment  and provide a paper copy to Healther Lloyd for grading.  Here is a link to many occupational descriptions: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ooh_index.htm